Friday, February 13, 2009

7 rules to win a girl's heart

If you are hitting on a girl right now , you should remember that you are competing right now. If she seems to like you don't be over confident because anything can happen in competition otherwise if she despises you and possibility for you to win her heart is almost to zero , please do not worry you still have a change even your competitor is Brad Pit because love is blind.

The most important thing is not break the ultimate basic rules of hitting girls.

Rule no 1 :
Don't look desperate. Don't call or texting her 20 times a day unless you are in conversation with her. If she calls you wait for few hours before you call her back.

Rule no 2 :
Be patient ,Dont ask abouot her love life . wait until she asks you first.

Rule no 3 :
Appearance , please groom yourself accordingly .Girls like cool guy that can take of yourself.

Rule no 4 :
Be a gentlemen , Listen when she talks.

rule no 5 :
Dont talk about your exs ever until she asked you first.

rule no 6 :
Dont forget important occasion such as her birthday. Be the first one to wish.

rule no 7 :
Never ask her out , wait for the sign. she will give you sign if she starting to like you. you will know what is the sign.

Apply of these rules , you will see the result.

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