Friday, February 13, 2009

5 basic rules to lose weight ?they are easy and they are common sense

Losing weight is not that hard infact it is very easy. If you use your brain altogether with your login sense , you are definitely losing 20-30 pounds within 4-5 months. How to do it?

Rule 1 :

Stop eating Carbs
This means rice, mash potato , bread , junk food.. etc

Rule 2 :

Drink plain water
Stop drinking anything that has color.

Rule 3 :

Dont eat at night , just drink plain water . No matter how hungry you are just wait until tomorrow.

Rule 4 :

Exercise : If you want your result faster then you should this , You would still lose weight if you applied every single rule above. This will help you losing weight faster.

Rule 5: Dont think of anything that related in breaking all these rules.

Apply all these rules in 5 months you are going to be slimmed again definitely.

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